GINNGER: regeneration of Neighbourhoods
Regeneration of Neighbourhoods through place-based approaches.
In 2017, 47 million urban residents of the European Union were exposed to a risk of poverty or social exclusion. This number increased by 13 million in just three years, between 2014 and 2017.
Engaging these populations in the European Union’s carbon neutrality goal set for 2050 is essential.
Given the need to rethink current policies and practices, a user-centred approach is necessary to ensure that all citizens have access to a healthy, comfortable, and financially accessible environment in their daily lives.
Funded under the Horizon Europe program, the GINNGER project, led by a consortium of 23 European partners including research laboratories, local authorities, companies, and associations, comes to meet this need.
The GINNGER project uses social innovation to support the regeneration of urban neighborhoods in the European Union.

The project will define long-term social strategies and digital solutions to implement citizen-centred regeneration actions for buildings and built environments around four blocks: energy, renovation, resources, and mobility.
To this end, GINNGER will establish a co-creation methodology that will foster citizen inclusion, capacity building and lasting behavioural change.
This methodology will enable the deployment of regeneration solutions in six pilot sites across Europe:
- Langreo, Espagne
- Plovdiv, Bulgarie
- Massagno, Suisse
- Murcia, Espagne
- Orte, Italie
- Paris, France
The Paris Climate Agency is a key partner in the GINNGER project. It will rely on its past experiments in neighbourhoods to successfully develop the co-creation methodology and support its deployment in the six pilot sites. It will also develop a catalog of regeneration solutions.
- CIRCE – Centro de Investigacion de Recursos y Consumos Energéticos (Espagne)
- CERTH – Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (Grèce)
- Ubitech Energy (Belgique)
- Fundacion CTIC Centro Tecnologico Para El Desarrollo En Asturias De Las Tecnologias De La Informacion (Espagne)
- Enco SRL (Italie)
- Agifly (Belgique)
- Agence Parisienne du Climat (France)
- Syddansk Universitet (Danemark)
- Ayuntamiento de Langreo (Espagne)
- Fundacion Asturiana de la Energia (Espagne)
- VIPASA (Espagne)
- HUNOSA (Espagne)
- Fundacion Cruz de Los Angeles (Espagne)
- AEM – Azienda Elettrica Di Massagno (Suisse)
- SUPSI – Scuola Universitaria Professionale Della Svizzera Italiana (Suisse)
- Hive Power (Suisse)
- Energy Agency of Plovdiv (Bulgarie)
- Obshtina Plovdiv (Bulgarie)
- MIWENERGIA (Espagne)
- Ayuntamiento de Murcia (Espagne)
- Fondazione Bio-Distretto Della Via Amerina E Delle Forre (Italie)
- Commune di Orte (Italie)
- RIMOND (Italie)
- Fondazione Icons (Italie)
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